The Growth of a Club
Women's Service Club Expands to Middle School

Photo by Raquel Gonzalez-Loumiet/Maclay Women's Service Club
A year and a half ago, Maclay Women's Service Club was started by seniors Maggie Murray and Stella Matheson and has since grown. The group focuses on a variety of volunteer jobs servicing women. This group has not only expanded in numbers but has also influenced the lower school. About a month ago, eighth-grader Raquel Gonzalez-Loumiet started the club in middle school.
“I wanted to bring this club into middle school because in the past I went to some service projects and I knew what great things we are doing for women in our community,” Gonzalez-Loumiet said. “I wanted more people to experience what we do and also wanted people to be a part of this club before high school.”
Although the middle school Women's Service Club just started, they already have some goals. One of them is to further help the community and include guest speakers to inform students. The club has grown within only a few weeks and will hopefully continue to expand in following years.