Swinging Into Season
The Maclay Golf Teams Have Been Using Their Summer Break To Practice and Prepare for Their Upcoming Fall Seasons

Photo by Brooke Nohle/Maclay Andalusian
While many high school students spend their summers on vacation, enjoying relaxation, Maclay’s high school athletes have done otherwise. Using the summertime to practice and perfect their sport is crucial for a successful season, which is exactly what both the girls and boys varsity golf teams have been doing.
As the warm summer months come to a close, many high school athletes have been working tirelessly all summer to prepare for their upcoming fall season. Maclay recently added a golf facility to the campus, allowing more practice space for the ever growing teams. While it is not entirely finished, many of the athletes have taken to other golf courses to practice their skills.
Senior Ellie Jane Riner has spent her summer practicing relentlessly, determined to be on top of her game in the upcoming fall. As a senior captain, Riner stays motivated in her final year by enjoying the opportunity to play against difficult teams and to lead her team to a successful season. Riner has been practicing five to six days a week for three to six hours at the Golf Club of Quincy to better prepare herself for the season.
“I am practicing a lot and playing competitively to prepare,” Riner said. “I plan to lead the team with a positive mindset and knowledge.”
While the girls golf team has been showcasing impressive skills and promising talent, the boys golf team has been doing the same. It is their time to step up to the tee and show what they have in store for the upcoming season.
Senior Jacob Parrish is heading into his final season with a positive mindset, eager to use his experience to help guide new teammates on a path to success. Parrish has used his summer months strategically, as he visits the Southwood Golf Course almost daily to keep his game in shape.
“I’ve been practicing the weak points of my game during [the] preseason, which will help better prepare me for the start of the season.” Parrish said.
The anticipation for the season is high, from not only the players but the coaches as well. Coach Joe Kupiszewski thrives on the green, for himself and for his players. His insights not only highlight the potential of the team but also educate his players on the best strategies and tips for success.
“We have a number of new golfers as well as our returners,” Kupiszewski said. “My expectation is we will again make it out of District and to the Regional Championship, and we have a good shot at making it back to the State Championship, but it will take a lot of hard work between now and then and a little bit of luck.”
The hard work displayed by both the girls and boys varsity golf teams, as well as their coaches, is evident in their drive and excitement for the upcoming season. The effort put into preseason for these athletes will not go unnoticed, as they head into the fall with a talented and knowledgeable team.