Sprinkled with Fun
Maclay Dads Come Together at Donuts for Dads

Photo by Maggie Murray/Maclay Andalusian
On Friday, Oct. 11, the Maclay Community Association (MCA) leadership team hosted Donuts for Dads in the lower school. PreK and lower school students had the opportunity to spend time with their dads on campus before the school day began. The lower school building was decked out with donut-themed decor, with cheerful music playing on the speakers. Outside, there was a photo-op and the playground for activities. Tables were filled with donuts for both dads and students to indulge in, and some coffee was provided for the adults.
MCA is a committee of parents who host various community events during the year, such as Donuts for Dads. For this particular event, MCA’s planning process includes looking at what went well and what could have gone better in previous years.
“In the last year, we did fancy full-size donuts and had a lot left over,” lower school representative Danielle Buchanan said. “So we picked a simplified menu with smaller donuts so that kids could grab them easily and go run around and play outside.”
The MCA leadership team plans the event, and then volunteers help set up and clean up.
Dads and their kids alike enjoy this event. Students get to show their dads the Maclay campus and introduce them to their friends. The dads enjoy being exposed to the part of their children’s life where they spend the majority of their day. Together, the dads and children get to enjoy donuts and spend time on the playground.
“I think it's always been a great success except when the weather's bad and everybody's inside; it's kind of hard to see everybody getting along,” Director of Admission Michael Obrecht said. “But here, the kids like to be with themselves and with their friends, but the dads like to be with friends too.”
Oftentimes, moms are the parent or family member who are seen active on campus. This event gives dads an opportunity to have a special moment with their kids.
“We actually have dads tell us it’s their favorite day of the year,” Director of Marketing Kim McWilliams said.
Being that dads and their children collectively enjoy this event, MCA will also be hosting a Donuts for Dads in May for the seniors.
“Donuts with Dad for our seniors in May will be a fun event right before graduation, especially for our charter members,” McWilliams said.
The Donuts for Dads event was successful in the eyes of the Maclay community, as it highlighted the value of father figures in children’s lives.