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Maclay School’s Annual Giving Day

A Day of Donations and Thanks

Maclay held their annual 24-hour Giving Day on Feb. 29, to support the Maclay Fund and the entire school. Giving day is a 24-hour challenge that Maclay holds to raise money and gain support for several different departments on campus and for the overall needs of the school throughout the year. This day gives students, faculty, alumni and families the opportunity to donate any amount of money starting at $25 to support the school for that year and many more to come. Maclay encourages those who can donate, to not only donate to key departments that help campus and students thrive, but to also take time to connect with others in the community to celebrate the institution and relationships made through Maclay.

“We view this as a day to not only encourage giving to the programs that are most meaningful to our community on campus,” the Maclay School website said. “But also, to take a moment to connect with one another and celebrate this institution and the relationships that are fostered here.”

Last year, the donations raised from Giving Day were put towards funding several projects on campus including the expansion of the Fine Arts Department, Strength and Conditioning Program, The Maclay Community Care Fund, growth of Faculty Salaries and Supplementation Endowment and the Curriculum Extension Fund. This year, the donations raised will be funding the Fine Arts Department, Faculty Support, athletic training and Strength & Conditioning Program and any pressing needs that arise on campus throughout the next year.

Donations were sent online through the Maclay website and are categorized based on size. Gift level recognition is ordered starting at the lowest: Blue & White ($25-$249), Marauder ($250-$499), Virtu ($500-$999), Andalusian ($1,000-$2,499), 1968 Society ($2,500-$4,999), Cornerstone ($5,000-$9,999), Grand Benefactor ($10,000-$24,999) and the highest, which is Century ($25,000+).

“I think giving day is important because it’s a chance for other people and alumni and families to show their love for Maclay.” Senior Kenley Robinson said.

This year, many alumni were recognized as ambassadors for Giving Day and expressed their appreciation for Maclay. Upper school math teacher Katy Gimbel, middle school science teacher Cameron Barton, Board of Trustee Member Will Fixel, Leadership Maclay Member Sarah Doolin Roy and Assistant Director of Admissions Garrett Robinson were just a few of the alumni highlighted for their contributions to Maclay this year.

“Maclay School has been a central part of my life for nearly 40 years,” Fixel said. “Beyond providing an excellent education, Maclay provided me with lifelong mentors and friendships that have been foundational for my life. I am motivated to ensure that my Maclay experience is passed forward to the current Maclay students, and my efforts in volunteering for the school have been focused on that goal.”


Andy Poll

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