Curtains up on Theatre
Why Theatre Deserves a Standing Ovation

Photo by Isla Welge
The Maclay School Theatre Department has been putting on more performances in the past couple years. Under the dedicated management head of the department, Mildred Seckel, these productions have showcased a vast amount of talent and creativity from both the students and Seckel. Seckel puts in countless hours bringing each show to life, making sure every detail from casting, to sets, to props and to the final curtain call is executed with accuracy and care.
Even though the productions that are put on are done to the best they can be, the department still faces many challenges, such as the lack of proper equipment, a suitable stage and a set location dedicated to their class.
“I think getting an actual theatre, with proper lighting and sound system as well as proper seating for our audience would help us to continue to thrive even more than we are now,” president of the senior theatre troupe Giada Price said.
This imbalance messes with the department’s ability to reach its full potential and to give students the experience and opportunity they deserve. The students at Maclay have hidden talents that they would like to express or explore but do not take it seriously because of the lack of equipment and space.
“Not only is it [theatre] a way of self expression, but I like to play different characters whether they are complex or just simple and funny,” junior Crew Carlile said. “The way the program is heading is obviously wonderful and I would love to keep going in that direction, but we need to keep it going in that direction for us to keep growing as performers and people. A theatre doesn't only have to be used for shows, it can be used for dance, music and even graduation.”
Many people believe that everyone should experience at least one year of theatre in school. It is a great way to help build confidence and potentially find a new interest or hobby. Theatre is not just singing and musicals, it is acting, passion, expression of the soul and sometimes a great way to help with stress.
“I joined the theatre just to try something new, primarily in tech,” junior Bryson Willis said. “Things did not go that way. It is an incredible experience to express yourself with wonderful people.”
With better facilities, the Maclay School Theatre Department could uplift its productions, which would help further grow the school community and inspire greater appreciation for the performing arts. Even though the theatre department does receive a good amount of support, there is always room for more especially with a teacher who cares so greatly for her passion.
“I was retired from doing this [theatre], and when you stop doing this for as long as I have, there is a void and working with students, teaching them, educating them in the field of theatre, it gives a sense of enjoyment to me,” Seckel said. “We get the support for most, but to invest monetarily so that we can have a facility that is made for theatre is what we need.”