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A Sophomore Safari To Remember

Gallery: Maclay Sophomores Embark on Their Annual School Field Trip

Saddle up - Sophomore Jacob Patty is shown in the front of the line leading activity groups 3 and 4 on his horse, Pepsi. They are waiting for their classmates to mount their horses. They can begin walking on the trail once the instructor gives them the get-go. Photo courtesy of Erik Lunsford.

Nature at night - Located right next to the private beach, this beautiful tree is perfectly illuminated by the camp's light. Photo courtesy of Erik Lunsford.

Fun indoors - After heavy rain forced the students indoors on their arrival day, the sophomores perform 5-minute skits using the theme “Disney.” This particular group decided to re-enact the movie “Tangled.” Pictured is Gray Wadsworth on the back of his peer, who is pretending to be a horse. Photo courtesy of Erik Lunsford.

Say cheese! - Before having free time to enjoy the various activities on the property, the sophomores gather around to take their annual group photo. They all wear matching Sophomore Safari t-shirts that have the motto “Touch Grass” on the back. Photo courtesy of Joseph McCann.

Paintball - After a paintball round of girls vs. guys, the girls team poses for a picture. In the back are sophomores Emmi Cayer and Kayleigh Mitchell. In the front are sophomores Ellie Mazziotta, Ella Pike and Lilly Bell. Photo courtesy of Christine Piepmier.

Axe throwing - Sophomore Drew Lamendola lands his axe on the target. There are six different targets that students took turns aiming at. They have three tries to land their axe before giving another wave of students a turn. Students described axe throwing as being far more difficult than they expected. Photo courtesy of Joseph McCann.

Bonfire - Students gather around the campfire for warmth. Students can choose to make s’mores at a station or go on a hayride around the property. Photo courtesy of Erik Lunsford.

Build it - Students gather in their activity groups to construct a boat for a boat race on the lake. They are judged based on their boat design, backstory and, most importantly, how well they do in the race. This team races to finish their boat within the allotted time. Photo courtesy of Joseph McCann.

Rock wall - Students climb their way up a difficult rock wall. Prior to reaching the top, they go on an exciting zip line that takes them back to their group. There are two zip lines parallel to each other, so they can go with a friend. Many students described this rock wall as difficult, with some who were not able to make it to the top. Photo courtesy of Daijah Washington.

Boat race - Before the bus departed back to Maclay, the teams raced their homemade boats in the lake. The pictured team decides to take a different route and build a surfboard. Sophomore Andrew Guyer is shown carrying his team’s boat, while sophomore Meghan Lawler is preparing to race it. Their team finished first but got second place off of a technicality. Photo courtesy of Daijah Washington.


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