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A Smarter Future

The Advantages of Digital Note-Taking

Photo by Dose Media on Unsplash

As technology continues to rapidly advance, our lives continue to adapt. Within schools, students are using technology more than ever before with almost everyone required to own or borrow a device for academic purposes. Due to society’s move towards further use of technology, taking notes digitally makes even more sense. Not only is taking notes on a device more environmentally friendly, but it’s also much more convenient. Whether taken on a computer, iPad, tablet or any other device, there are substantial advantages to taking notes digitally.

Within both the professional world and as a student, everyone uses devices. Using technology from the start allows a much smoother transition into the professional world because it is uncommon to see the use of paper. Using technology provides both convenience and organization. Using devices, students are able to easily organize notes by creating folders and “notebooks” for each class. Using an iPad for notes students can download a variety of apps that are ideal for note-taking. Additionally, on an iPad students are able to handwrite notes with a stylus as well as type them depending on their preference. Overall, an iPad provides the most versatility when it comes to note-taking making it extremely convenient. In a similar fashion, a tablet or other note-taking devices can be used solely for taking notes. The features are limited to folders and “notebooks” that conveniently divide notes for each class. A computer is also extremely convenient for note-taking, as long as the student prefers typed or voice-recorded notes. Computers provide access to everything, making it extremely easy to stay organized. These lightweight devices allow for convenient transportation, putting an end to lugging around different heavy books and binders all day. Additionally, using technology students can access their class books and even download handouts onto their devices. This allows for much greater organization because it eliminates digging through piles of paper.

As technology continues to advance, its features become better and better. Already, technology provides a variety of amazing features that make note-taking easier and better. Particularly on iPads, but on devices overall, there is a variety of customization and features that paper notes cannot possibly have. With an iPad or tablet, there are drawing tools and other features that are all for perfecting graphs and visually appealing notes. Using digital notes, it is much easier to switch fonts, colors, thickness and opacity. Students can switch to handwriting notes or typing or combining both styles. On a computer, students are able to conveniently split screens and have multiple tabs at once. This makes for a better note-taking experience. Moreover, embedding photos or graphs within notes is simple and beneficial. The variety of features possible with digital notes makes them superior to handwritten notes. Lastly, using digital notes will ensure that they are not misplaced. Students can easily back up all their notes to the cloud ensuring that all the information is kept.

Using digital notes allows for the most efficient and productive experience overall. Students are able to quickly type or write notes to their liking and swiftly edit and copy and paste important information. When taking notes, mistakes are often made and digital notes can automatically be edited. This allows for a greater focus on the content of the notes rather than the mechanics of writing. The ability to quickly switch to different notes also allows for a more efficient note-taking experience. Most devices allow for a split screen experience, proving to lead to a faster note-taking experience eliminating having to flip through a book. The efficient experience of digital note-taking makes it ideal compared to handwritten paper notes.

Although taking handwritten paper notes can reduce distractions and provide greater simplicity, digital notes are still better. With so much technology use, students have access to everything and can often become quickly distracted by other things. Also, the simplicity of paper notes can make them ideal for some students who prefer to not be concerned with the overwhelming features of digital notes. However, digital notes are much more convenient and efficient and allow for a better transition into a professional setting. Digital notes are extremely versatile and allow for a customizable experience. Additionally, another benefit to digital notes is that they are much more environmentally friendly. By eliminating the excessive use of paper, especially paper that is often lost or thrown away, we can reduce our carbon footprint and promote a sustainable future. Digital notes, whether taken on an iPad, tablet or computer have so many benefits that overtake the traditional paper notes making it the ideal choice for students to transition to.


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